Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

The B.S. Computer Science program aims to provide manpower that will help accelerate development of high quality computer systems for both the industry and health institutions and to collaborate with professionals in health-related research where computing is required. The B.S. Computer has two tracks of specialization: Health Informatics and Statistical Computing.

Program Outcomes

  1. Incorporate the latest developments in Computer Science and Information Technology in the design of software systems for various applications
  2. Create innovative solutions through research and development projects in Computer Science
  3. Exhibit moral, ethical and social responsibilities as a professional and as a Filipino citizen
  4. Work collaboratively in teams
  5. Communicate computing solutions effectively


First Year

1st Semester2nd Semester
GE 13GE 43
GE 23Math 84 (Essentials of Analysis II)5Math 83
GE 33Physics 71 (Elementary Physics I)4Math 83
Math 83 (Essentials of Analysis I)5CMSC 21 (Fundamentals of Programming)3CMSC 11
Math 101 (Elementary Statistics)3CMSC 55 (Discrete Mathematical Structures in Computer Science)4CMSC 11
CMSC 11 (Introduction to Computer Science)3PE(2)

Second Year

1st Semester2nd Semester
GE 53GE 63
Math 85 (Essentials of Analysis III)3Math 84Stat 121 (Applied Probability Models)3Math 101
Chem 32 (Chemistry of Biomolecules)3CMSC 121 (Web Programming)3CMSC 23
CMSC 23 (Object-Oriented Programming Paradigms)3CMSC 11CMSC 124 (Design & Implementation of Programming Languages)3CMSC 23, CMSC 123
CMSC 123 (Data Structures)3CMSC 21, CMSC 55CMSC 127 (Database Systems)3CMSC 23
CMSC 130 (Logic Design & Digital Computer Circuits)3CMSC 55CMSC 135 (Computer Organization & Architecture)3CMSC 21, CMSC 130
CMSC 171 (Ethical & Social Issues in Computer Science)1PE(2)
GE 73
GE 83

Third Year

1st Semester2ndSemester
Stat 122 (Applied Statistical Inferential Models)3Stat 121Math 121.1 (Elementary Differential Equations I)3Math 85
Math 120 (Linear Algebra)3Math 185CMSC 128.2 (Software Engineering II)3CMSC 128.1
CMSC 122 (Human Computer Interaction)3CMSC 121CMSC 138 (Computer Networking)3CMSC 125
CMSC 125 (Operating Systems)3CMSC 123CMSC 161 (Interactive Computer Graphics)3CMSC 123, Math 120
CMSC 128.1 (Software Engineering I)3CMSC 121, CMSC 127CMSC 177 (Model Building and Assessment in Data Science)3CMSC 176, Stat 122
CMSC 176 (Fundamentals of Data Science) 3CMSC 127, Stat 121Major Course 23
Major Course 13
CMSC 190 (Practicum)3Junior standing

Fourth Year

1st Semester2ndSemester
CMSC 141 (Automata & Language Theory)3CMSC 124Math 174 (Numerical Analysis I)3CMSC 21, Math 121.1
CMSC 150 (Computer Security)3CMSC 121, CMSC 138CMSC 142 (Design & Analysis of Algorithms)3CMSC 123
CMSC 178 (Algorithm Design and Software Foundation in Data Science) 3CMSC 123, CMSC 176CMSC 198 (Special Problem)3CMSC 197, CMSC 199
CMSC 197 (Undergraduate Seminar)1Senior standingElective 23
CMSC 199 (Research Methods in Computer Science)3Senior standingPI 100 (Life and Works of Jose Rizal)3
Major Course 33
Elective 13

Total No. of Units: 158

Major Subjects

Health Informatics Track
HI 191 (Fundamentals of Health Informatics)3
HI 192 (Knowledge Representation & Health Decision Support System)3HI 191
HI 193.1 (Representation and Algorithms in Computational Biochemistry)3HI 191
Statistical Computing Track
Stat 130 (Nonparametric Statistical Methods)3Math 101
Stat Comp 181.1 (Linear Models in Statistical Computing I)3Stat 121
Stat Comp 183 (Multivariate Statistical Model)3Stat 122


CMSC 143 (Graph Algorithms)3
CMSC 155 (Compiler Design and Construction)3
CMSC 170 (Introduction to Artificial Intelligence)3
CMSC 172 (Robot Modeling)3
CMSC 173 (Machine Learning)3CMSC 176, Stat 121
CMSC 175 (Information Technology Project Management)3
CMSC 180 (Parallel Computing)3
CMSC 181 (IT Service Management)3CMSC 128.1
CMSC 191 (Special Topics) - may be taken twice but should be of different topics3
HI 193.2 (Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming)3
Stat 186 (Time Series Analysis)3
Stat 187 (Applied Bayesian Inference)3
Stat Comp 181.1 (Linear Models in Statistical Computing I)3
Stat Comp 181.2 (Linear Models in Statistical Computing II)3
Stat Comp 185 (Stochastic Models)3
Math 126 (Real Analysis)3
Math 162 (Theory of Interests)3
Math 164 (Life Contingencies)3
Math 165 (Finite Differences)3
Math 180.1 (Operations Research I)3
Math 180.2 (Operations Research II)3
Math 181 (Linear and Integer Programming)3

GE Subjects

Required GE Subjects
Wika 1 (Wika, Kultura at Lipunan)3
Comm 10 (Critical Perspectives in Communication)3
Kas 1 (Kasaysayan ng Pilipinas)3
Ethics 1 (Ethics and Moral Reasoning for Everyday Life)3
STS 1 (Science, Technology and Society)3
Math 10 (Math, Culture and Society)3
Elective GE Subjects
PhilArts 1 (Philippine Arts and Culture)3
SAS 1 (Self and Society)3
Science 10 (Probing the Physical World)3
Natural Science II (Living Systems: Concepts and Dynamics)3
Arts 1 (Critical Perspectives in the Arts)3