CAS lauds UP Biochem Soc’s UNSDSN Youth Accreditation

The UP Manila College of Arts and Sciences proudly congratulates the UP Biochemistry Society (UP BCS) after receiving a well-sought accreditation from the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network Youth (UNSDSN Youth) – Philippines as a recognized youth organization, which was announced last May 2024.

This landmark achievement of UP BCS is particularly significant as it provides an avenue in shaping networks for young leaders who work together in achieving a greater sustainable solution, fulfilling the well-entrenched Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN. In fact, addressing the gaps in the attainment of the SDGs is one of the primary objectives of the University of the Philippines, as the leading educational institution in the country, towards a more sustainable future.

Established in 1996, the UP BCS is a non-profit, socio-scientific organization based in CAS that caters as a home organization of the BS Biochemistry students. It is one of the 13 accredited college-based student organizations for this academic year and among the first ones to be accredited by UNSDSN Youth in UP Manila.